DENVER (KDVR) — Now that we are in the month of May, people start getting excited to plant flowers and turn on their sprinklers. However, it is likely still too early to do that in Denver.
The average date of our last freeze is May 5. Still, many years see freezing temperatures after that point.
The earliest Denver has seen its last freeze was April 5 back in 1977 and 1981 and the latest last freeze was on June 8 in 2007.

Although there are no freezing temperatures in the current seven day forecast for Denver, four out of the last five years had their last freeze after the average date. Two of those years happened in the last two weeks of the month.
The statistics show that it is best to wait until at least Mother’s Day (if not a week or two longer) before planting in Denver.

Denver’s average date of the last snowfall is April 28.