DENVER — Sleep can help you lose weight, perform better at work and school, even live longer. Just a little nap every day can make a big difference.
We have homemade hacks to make napping work for you.
Our first tip, drink coffee before your nap. Believe it or not, researchers found that a cup of coffee, followed immediately by a 15 minute nap gives you more energy than either one by itself.
Concerned about sleeping too long? Try the Einstein method of waking yourself up. If you just need a short nap, hold a pencil. When you fully fall asleep, the pencil will fall. It worked for one of the smartest men ever.
It’s important to know what kind of sleep you need We found some guidelines on
- The micro-nap: Just five minutes, to help you feel more awake.
- The mini-nap: five to 20 minutes, increases alertness, stamina, and learning potential.
- A power nap, 20 minutes, improves muscle memory and clears the brain.
- Sleeping 30 minutes can make you groggy for up to another 30 minutes before the benefits kick in.
- 60 minutes is best for your memory, but you’ll still have some grogginess.
- A 90 minute nap is a full sleep cycle, improving memory and creativity. Plus, you’ll find it easier to wake.
Get the most bang for your buck with “The Nasa Nap.” Research shows a 26-minute nap improved astronaut performance 34 percent and alertness 54 percent.
Want your sleep to do double-duty to help you keep that New Year’s resolution? New research shows lowering the thermostat to 66 degrees while you sleep can help you double your metabolism.
And, try to sleep on your back – it helps keep wrinkles and acid reflux at bay.