KEENESBURG, Colo. – A lot more abused and neglected animals will get a second chance at life thanks to a large donation to the Wild Animal Sanctuary.
The Wild Animal Sanctuary near Keenesburg is home to around 500 lions, tigers, bears and other large carnivores. They have been rescued from horrific conditions all over the world.
“Some people are stupid enough to think they can keep baby tigers as a pet and it’s really sad,” Gov. Jared Polis told FOX31.
Polis visited TWAS Tuesday to help present a $45,000 check to the non-profit.
“We’re preaching to the choir here today when we say that America and the world have a captive wildlife crisis,” he said.
The money was given on behalf of Colorado For All, a non-profit created to fundraise during the Governor’s inaugural activities.
“It’s really wonderful that our inauguration was able to have this giving component,” Gov. Polis said.
Colorado’s First Gentleman, Marlon Reis, is the Honorary Chair of Colorado For All. He has vowed to use his platform to promote animal welfare.
“I adore animals,” Reis told FOX31. “I feel a bond with them. Sometimes, you don’t know where people are coming from, but you always know where an animal is coming from.”
The new money will be used to help TWAS develop “The Refuge,” which is a 9,684-acre plot in southeast Colorado that will greatly expand the number of animals they are able to save.
“That’s my favorite part about it. The large-acreage habitats. Animals here truly get to be themselves. They get to live life the way they were meant to live it,” Reis said.
Colorado For All will split the rest of the proceeds from its inauguration fundraiser between three other non-profits: The Rose Foundation, Adams 14 Early Childhood Center and the Governor’s Residence Preservation Fund.