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BOULDER, Colo. — Boulder joins Denver, Jefferson, Larimer, Pueblo and Weld counties with mosquitoes that have tested positive for the potentially deadly virus.

Boulder County Public Health said traps have also been collecting a higher number of mosquitos than normal. The danger lurks beyond an electrical box at Christensen Park.

It’s born of standing water–and hungry for humans and animals.

“My first reaction had expletives,” laughs Rachel Hooker, about how she felt when she learned the virus moved in to her neighborhood.

She uses humor to address a serious situation. Traps have captured mosquitoes infected with West Nile at the park just across the street from her home. Infected mosquitoes were also trapped at Stazio Ballfield just minutes away.

“So I started using a little more DEET,” Hooker said.

She said precautions are important — but she won’t live life in fear of infection.

“I’m not that concerned. I also looked up the treatment and symptoms for it and it’s not going to necessarily kill you,” Hooker said.

Indeed, deaths are rare.

“Never thought I’d get bit by a mosquito and have this happen to me,” said Curt Wolff of Thornton.

But severe neurological problems can happen — like they did to Wolff.

“The West Nile virus settled into my spine C4 and 5. And after being unconscious for three weeks, I woke up paralyzed,” he said.

We visited him two years ago — when he mostly used his mouth stick to get things done. Now, his hands and arms are strong enough to use a tablet.

“I’ve run through that emotion, ‘Why didn’t I? What if? (I had worn repellent) I always had the perspective I can’t change the past. I can only learn from it,” he says.

His advice to others: use inspect repellent, or become a human cautionary tale.

“Just spray a little bit on, a little goes a long way. So hopefully you don’t end up like this,” he said.

One Mesa County man has contracted West Nile in the state this year. Last year, there were 118 cases and four deaths. It could be a sign the numbers will be lower this year. But even so, you don’t want to be that statistic, so take precautions.