FOX31 Denver

Viewers raise concerns about welfare of toddler in internet video

Message about child in video

DENVER — Dozens of FOX31 Denver viewers are worried about a Colorado toddler, seen on video being severely verbally abused on camera.

We received numerous emails like one viewer who said, “I think you guys should cover this story and help the little boy in this video — he’s being abused by his mother for losing her charger to her cellphone. She’s threatening to kill him and you can hear him screaming horribly.”

The viewer included a link to a YouTube video that shows the incident.

Concerns were shared with the proper authorities, who have since launched an investigation.

Denver Human Services said if anyone is worried about the welfare of a child, they should call 911 or 1-844-CO-4-KIDS (1-844-264-5437).

The agency also said there are all kinds of abuse: Emotional, physical and sexual. Phone calls to the agency are confidential.