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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — There’s a good chance you or someone you know grew up with a doll or two. To this day, plenty of kids still consider them friends.

In Colorado Springs, there’s a museum dedicated to a specific kind of doll. They’re known as ‘Simpich Dolls’.

In 1952, Jan and Bob Simpich started creating dolls by hand. Both were artists with a passion for doll making.

“They were always bringing their individual artistic strengths together to come up with new ways to make the dolls,” said David Simpich, their son.

Jan and Bob created thousands of dolls over a span of 54 years. They closed their shop in 2007, due to advancements in technology.

Handmade dolls took at least a day to make. Machines could produce hundreds of dolls in minutes.

“My parents did not want that. They wanted that ‘handmade in Colorado’ to always be on what they had done. So they chose to retire and close the business, than have them mass produced,” David Simpich said.

To honor his parents’ work, David and his wife now run a museum dedicated to the Simpich dolls. It’s called ‘The Simpich Doll Museum‘.

Not only is it a museum, but it’s also a theater. Turns out Jan and Bob’s artistic talent rubbed off on David.

To learn about his amazing skill, watch Kevin Torres‘ ‘Unique 2 Colorado‘ Report from Colorado Springs.