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ALBANY, N.Y. (NEWS10) — Monday’s TRY Social Dilemma comes from several conversations Jaime has had recently about the age old question of whether it is okay or not to wear white after Labor Day.

“Today is Labor Day, which sometimes signifies the end of summer and the beginning of fall. There are some things that once fall comes you don’t do anymore, like swimming in the pool because you close it up in September. Or wearing sandals because it’s too chilly, and the ever infamous, not wearing white. I always laugh when someone says you can’t wear white after Labor Day. Some friends of mine still believe it. I say I would only believe it if it was 1977. I’m pretty sure you can wear white after Labor Day without it being a faux paux Now, no one would ever call me a fashion maven, but I didn’t think this was still a thing. But some people do I honestly didn’t think it was a rule anymore, but some friends of mine said it is, said Jamie.

“So I will ask you this morning. Can you wear white after Labor Day and still be fashionable? I say absolutely! Wear it all year round!!”

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