This is an archived article and the information in the article may be outdated. Please look at the time stamp on the story to see when it was last updated.

LITTLETON, Colo. —  Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office reported that a drunk man wanted more beer and thought of a creative way to get it.

JeffCo Sheriff’s Office posted a “Good News PSA” to their Facebook page on Wednesday.

They said the thirsty man decided to ring the doorbell of a house in Littleton, just after 8 p.m.

But when the homeowner answered the door, no one was there.

She then went to check her garage to make sure the door was closed; when she found a man in her garage stealing beer from her refrigerator.

She told the man to drop the beer and leave but he refused.

After being frightened by the man, the woman called her husband for help who restrained the man until deputies arrived.

The beer thief is in custody on charges of burglary and harassment.

The JeffCo Facebook post ended by saying, “We want to thank our citizens for being observant and to remind them to keep their garage doors closed since that’s the Number 1 cause of burglaries in the county.”

This was the only information provided for this incident.  If more information becomes available, this story will be updated.