BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Former Weld County sheriff’s deputy Tom Fallis was arrested on Tuesday on a charge that he allegedly murdered his wife on New Year’s Day 2012.
Ashley Fallis, 28, died of a gunshot wound in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day. The Evans Police Department ruled her death a suicide within days. After her death, Tom Fallis moved, along with the couple’s three children, to Indiana.
However, family members suspected Ashley Fallis’ death was not an accident. They believed she was murdered.
In April of this year, after an extensive two-year investigation, FOX31 Denver reporter Justin Joseph presented new evidence to Evans Police Chief Rick Brandt, prompting him to reopen the death investigation and turn it over to an independent police agency.

The newly uncovered evidence included an eyewitness account by neighbor Nick Glover, who claimed he heard Tom Fallis, a former county corrections deputy, confess to his wife’s murder outside Glover’s window.
Glover said he shared Fallis’ confession with Evans Police Officer Michael Yates, but Yates’ reports omitted them. Yates was cleared of criminal wrongdoing this summer, but he is now the subject of an internal investigation.
To ensure impartiality, the Fort Collins Police Department has been investigating the case.
Sources told FOX31 Denver that last week a Weld County grand jury convened, hearing dozens of witness accounts including Nick Glover’s.
Monday, the grand jury indicted Fallis for second-degree murder.
After dropping his three children off at school Tuesday morning, police went to Fallis’ home and arrested him.
Ashley Fallis’ parents, Jenna Fox and Joel Raguindin, have grandparents rights over the Fallis children. The grandparents left for Indiana on Monday night. The Fallis children are currently with Tom Fallis’ mother. Ashley’s parents vowed to continue to fight for temporary custody of the children.
Relatives suspected Ashley Fallis was murdered

Tom Fallis was the only person home when his wife died. He also made the 911 call for help.
The next morning, he was interviewed about the shooting and repeatedly told investigators “I did not kill my wife.”
FOX31 Denver obtained a copy of the police interrogation, in which Tom Fallis gets visibly angry when asked if he had anything to do with his wife’s death.
“That wound on the back of her head, isn’t what she could do by herself Tom,” interrogator Rita Wolfe told Tom Fallis.
“Bullsh**,” Tom Fallis repeatedly yelled while slamming a water bottle on a table.
Relatives of Ashley Fallis said they saw similar anger the night of her death after Tom Fallis found out someone at the party had marijuana.
“He was irate and explosive,” said Ashley’s mother, Jenna Fox. “He was abusive with his words and he was telling us he hated us, and to ‘F everybody’ and then he went into the room and slammed the door.”

FOX31 Denver reviewed photos of the crime scene showing a bedroom in disarray, including photos knocked off the walls. Tom Fallis told investigators he and his wife never physically fought that night. However, a witness in the home behind the Fallis’ contradicted that statement.
One police report quotes a witness named Chelsea Arrigo, who said she heard Ashley Fallis scream, “Get off me. Get off me,” before the gunshot.
Tom Fallis denied he had touched Ashley, but evidence photos taken during his interview showed Tom had scratch marks on his chest.
The last piece of evidence regards a statement made by one of the Fallis’ children.
The 6-year-old child told police she “saw daddy getting the gun ready” and said she “saw daddy shoot mommy.”
Police discounted the testimony because the child said she witnessed three gunshots, but Ashley Fallis was only shot once.