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DENVER — Family roles have changed a lot since decades ago.  Many families in the 1960’s relied on a single income.

Usually the men worked, while the women took care of the kids and other household tasks.

In 2015, 60 percent of family households depended on two incomes, according to Wallet Hub.

WalletHub analyzed work-life balance, health conditions, financial well-being and child-rearing environments for working dads in the United States.

The site used a number of metrics to calculate individual state rankings, ranging from the unemployment rate (for dads with kids younger than 18) to male life expectancy to day care quality.

They found that Colorado’s overall ranking was 26th out of all 50 states, plus Washington D.C.

This rank put our state in the middle of all regions to work for fathers.

Minnesota was ranked the best state for working dads, while the study put Mississippi in last.


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For “Economic & Social Well-Being” Colorado ranked 30.

In “Health” our state ranked ninth, putting it in the top 10 in the nation.

“Work-Life Balance” and  “Child Care” Colorado was 25th.

Wallet Hub also found that Colorado had the fifth highest child care costs in the nation. This number was adjusted for median income families with a dad present.

The Wallet Hub study also ranked states in categories such as, number of uninsured men, life expectancy at birth and number of hours worked per day.

READ MORE: See the full Wallet Hub study results at their website.