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DENVER — A Denver church held a vigil Thursday night for the shooting victims in Charleston, S.C.

Shorter Community AME Church is a sister church to Mother Emanuel in Charleston. The service didn’t wrap up until midnight as scores of people turned out.

The church was filled with people from all denominations, their hearts heavy with emotion.

RELATED: Complete coverage of the Charleston church shooting

A state senator from Denver posted a note of support for the victims on the door of the Shorter Community.

“I just felt so troubled by the idea that the vision people went to bed with was black people at church praying peacefully interrupted by a white man who comes in and enacts heinous acts of violence,” Mike Johnston said.

“And I thought I would love folks in my own church community to wake up tomorrow morning and have a different greeting which is ‘welcome to the door’ and see that all of the folks in their community are there to say we love you, we support you, we stand with you.”