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GOLDEN, Colo. (KDVR) — The heat did not stop the runners and hikers from enjoying Matthews Winters Park in Golden.

“I enjoy it personally. It’s better than the cold,” said Keegan Pask, who was out for a hike.

But doctors say in this kind of heat, it’s important to take precautions.

“You can’t just go outside and work for an hour or two straight in 100 degree heat. You’ll get sick from that,” said Dr. Eric Hill, an emergency physician at the Medical Center of Aurora.

He says to hydrate early and often. Plus take extra breaks in the shade and watch out for symptoms.

Symptoms of heat exhaustion can include profuse sweating, serious fatigue, increased thirst and a darker color of urine.

Heat stroke is a more serious condition that can lead to a coma. Hill said those symptoms can include an elevated body temperature, an altered mental state, nausea, or rapid breathing.