FOX31 Denver

Save money on outdoor recreation gear by buying slightly used items

DENVER (KDVR) — Among the hottest travel trends again this summer: outdoor recreation. We saw such a big boom in popularity throughout the pandemic and now analysts say it’s continuing to grow into 2022.

But with that popularity comes higher prices for outdoor recreational gear.

According to Kayak, outdoor destinations are dominating the travel site’s top-trending list for upcoming spring and summer vacations.

Among the top 10 most popular states people want to explore: Montana and Colorado.

Thing is, we’re dealing with price hikes.

Brand new outdoor gear can cost as much as 30% more this season, compared to last season, according to retailers.

Fortunately, there are several discounted outdoor gear shops in the Denver metro area. One of them is Outdoors Geek in Denver, where you don’t even have to purchase the gear.

If you’d like, you can simply rent a tent, backpack and other accessories. If you are looking to buy though, they have a “gently used” section where most items are 50% off.

“So once our gear is used X amount of times, we take it out of our rental gear because we have a rental policy that we want to rent it like new, and so the minute it doesn’t start to look exactly like new, it’s starting to show just a tiny bit of wear to it, we place it in our gently used category. And you can get a substantial discount. It’s still wonderful, excellent gear, it’s just maybe it’s been used a half a dozen times or so,” Corina Marquardt, owner of Outdoors Geek explained.

According to Marquardt, this is the best time to purchase any outdoor gear you need for your summertime outdoor adventures. Because as spring progresses, those already high prices are just going to continue to climb.