FOX31 Denver

Problem Solvers’ front seat Failure investigation prompts Congressional action

Taylor Warner

DENVER — Congress is taking action following a FOX31 Problem Solvers investigation into how the failure of a front seat in a car killed a young child.

17-month-old Taylor Warner was killed in 2010 when the front seat in front of her collapsed. It turned a minor rear end collision fatal. The child received a blow to her head.

A Problem Solvers investigation revealed 898 similar cases over the last 15 years.

Wednesday, Denver Congresswoman Diana Degette (D) wrote a letter to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration urging an update to federal standards.

The letter pleads with the agency ”to amend applicable federal motor vehicle safety standards to better protect back seat passengers.”

The letter reports that “50 children placed behind occupied seats have died annually in rear impact incidents over the last 15 years.”

The NHTSA has until mid December to respond to the Congressional letter.

If you are wondering what you can do.  Some experts say place the carseat in the middle — so that a front seat does not collapse backwards.

The full Congressional letter can be read here.