DENVER (KDVR) — Families are still out of their homes 51 days after a water main break in the Berkeley neighborhood.
Homeowner Rose Gonzales’ floors are ripped out from under her. Her walls are bare and her windows are decorated with plumbing permits.
Tuesday, she welcomed three different contractors into her home, and talks centered around the smell of mold.
“I never imagined living in a hotel would be so horrible. I mean, we just want to come home, that’s all we want to do,” Gonzales said. “Denver Water has been trying to do the best that they could. They put in a new furnace, water heater, air conditioning system, but we can’t use them. We have no walls; we have no floors.”
Gonzales is one of 46 properties Denver Water has been working with in the Berkeley neighborhood.
To date, Denver Water tells the FOX31 Problem Solvers it has paid out about $2.7 million for restoration services, personal and property damages along with temporary accommodations.