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DENVER — With the federal government’s new healthcare website and many state exchanges experiencing technical problems preventing people from browsing and buying plans, Colorado’s healthcare exchange launched a new ad campaign Tuesday encouraging millennials and other social media users to get insured.

“Got Insurance?”, the campaign from Progress Now and the Colorado Consumer Health Initiative that’s modeled after the iconic “Got Milk?” ad campaign of yesteryear, targets the “young invincibles”, those in their 20s and 30s who tend to forgo insurance because they’re relatively healthy — and often relatively poor.

Their participation in the country’s expanding health insurance marketplace is considered critical to growing the pool of the insured and, as a result, driving down health costs.

The ads themselves, which will show up on social media sites, are targeted toward “everyday people” — who tend to represent the stereotypical Colorado millennial.

This one encourages “bros” to buy “brosurance”:

This one targets mountain climbers:

Another ad targets pregnant women:

The ads link to a website,, with information informing browsers what they’ll need to purchase health insurance on the state’s exchange,

“The goal is to ensure everyone can get the care they need when they need it by getting insurance,” said Adam Fox with CCHI. “The ads link to a website that prepares health insurance shoppers to take the next step, enrolling in insurance through their marketplace.”