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DENVER (KDVR) — Secretary of State Jena Griswold implemented a system to track ballots in 2020 and it’s available for use in this year’s elections for Colorado voters.

BallotTrax allows voters to know when their ballot was sent out and gives them the ability to track it after they mail it in to find out when it’s finally counted. The system can send text and email alerts as well as notifications via phone. According to Griswold, 52% of Colorado voters are enrolled in BallotTrax.

“Statewide ballot tracking allows voters to follow their ballot from the time it is sent by their local County Clerk’s office to when it is counted,” Griswold said.

The tracking system provides transparency giving voters the option to be more involved in the process when voting by mail. Ballots started getting sent out on Monday and some BallotTrax members have already received notices of their ballots being in the mail. If you’re not already signed up, you can do so on the website.

What’s on the ballot?

The ballot information book, also known as the Blue Book, gives a breakdown of what’s on the ballot and a detailed explanation of each measure. There are 11 statewide measures on the ballot this general election.

Here’s a fun fact: An easy way to tell the difference between a legislature measure versus a citizen-led measure is that an amendment or proposition placed on the ballot by the legislature is named with a letter or double letters, while citizen-led measures are named with numbers.

Griswold encourages all Colorado voters to sign up for BallotTrax and get more involved in the voting process.