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DENVER — The 2015 Colorado legislative session opens Wednesday and one of the bills lawmakers will try to pass takes aim at drivers with multiple DUIs.

They’re trying again this year, after the same measure failed to pass in the last session.

A FOX31 Denver investigation last year found that roughly 12,000 drivers in Colorado become repeat DUI offenders each year.

But those drivers don’t face any additional consequences for racking up multiple DUI cases.

Lawmakers are hard at work to try to change that. Colorado is one of only four states that don’t treat repeat offenses as felonies.

Proponents of the plan want to repeat DUI offenders to face prison time. Opponents worry about the high cost of incarcerating those repeat offenders.

The sponsor of the bill says the cost estimate for taxpayers if the bill had passed last session was around $50 million per year. But her team is doing another cost analysis and believes it will actually be much lower.