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DENVER — At first glance with the music and smiling faces, you would think you’re at A Taste of Colorado.

Instead, folks are happy because they’re going to the dentist. They’re getting much needed dental work for free.

“For example, just a cleanup, some type of cleaning, a check up and exam … all that, I mean it’s $250,” said Dr. Matt Stevens of Risas Dental and Braces of Denver.

It’s with that in mind that the people at Risas Dental and Braces are working on Labor Day to give as many folks as possible much needed dental care. Free of charge.

“It’s a decent size gift that we’re giving to each of these patients that are coming in today.” Stevens said.

Hundreds lined up Monday morning to one of three Risas Dental and Braces locations for a cleaning, filling, or an extraction.

Shirley Lubben of Englewood said she wouldd rather be watching TV or having a picnic on Labor Day. But she has a bad tooth that needs to come out and no money to pay for it so she was happy to go see the dentist.

“Yes, the price is right,” she said.

“Every single patient’s mouth that I’ve looked in has probably a minimum of $1,000 of dentistry that’s needed. So, we’re hoping it’s something,” Stevens said.

“I think it’s wonderful that they do this. You know there’s so many people that can’t afford it, like me,” Lubben said.