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DENVER — A pedestrian was hit by a car Saturday night at the intersection of 20th Street and Blake Street, an area that is one of the most dangerous in the city for people on foot.

While that person survived with relatively minor injuries, a different pedestrian was killed at that intersection outside Coors Field last year.

A study shows the area can be dangerous for pedestrians, as an intersection one block away — 20th and Market — had the highest number of auto vs. pedestrian crashes between 2011 and 2015.

“I always hear sirens and cops coming down here all the time. Almost every day, pretty much,” said Austin Abaca, who works nearby.

The number of pedestrian crashes in Denver grew from 330 in 2011 to 416 in 2015.

The city has started a program called Vision Zero – a plan to eliminate all traffic related deaths by 2030.

Pedestrians hope money is spent to make 20th and Blake safer. The intersection currently lacks clear pedestrian crossing markings, with red brick delineating the area. Some have also complained the lights change too quickly.

“You need to be careful, especially with the bars right there,” said Jared Bridges, who was walking in the area and said he crosses the intersection frequently.  “[Drivers] run this red light all the time.”