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DENVER – The owner of a semi that struck at least two bridges on I-25 in Denver Thursday afternoon said there’s been a big misunderstanding.

Over the phone on Friday, Will Hillen told FOX31 Denver Reporter Kevin Torres he’s still ‘trying to come to a conclusion with police.’

Hillen said his employee who was driving the truck, Michael Stollsteimer, did not drive off. But police said otherwise.

“It really comes down to poor decision making on his part,” a Denver police spokesperson said.

Police cited Stollsteimer with careless driving and leaving the scene after he allegedly caused significant damage to the West 23rd Avenue and Speer Bridges along I-25.

Documents show Stollsteimer has been in trouble before for violating trucking weight and speeding regulations. The last time he had an issue was in 2002.

Police said Stollsteimer eventually turned himself into police and apparently offered some sort of explanation. At this point, police aren’t discussing it.

“He certainly did give us an explanation about that but I can`t get into that it`s part of the evidence that`ll be used in court later on,” the Denver police spokesperson said.

Stollsteimer works for the Hillen Corporation based out of Commerce City. Will Hillen, an owner, said he believed Stollsteimer may have only hit one bridge.

Stollsteimer was driving a semi carrying a heavy piece of machinery. The piece of machinery apparently struck the bridges.

Damage could be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, Denver police said.