DENVER — Curtis Park is one of Denver’s oldest neighborhoods. And some residents are concerned a proposed development will create a parking nightmare for their neighborhood.
The developer, Gaddis Properties, wants to build a 56 micro-unit apartment building at 32nd and Stout streets.
Neighbors said the developer is taking advantage of a loophole in the zoning code to avoid providing any parking space for the dozens of people who will be living there.
Neighbors said parking is already extremely tight and this will make it even worse. They point out there are many homes in Curtis Park where the only parking is on the street and those residents often have to park blocks away.
Neighbors emphasized they are not opposed to high-density housing but said it has to be responsible and include parking.
City Councilman Albus Brooks said the city cannot force the developer to include parking space, but met with the developer and urged it to look at options like sharing parking with other nearby lots.
Another meeting between the developer and the neighborhood is planned for Jan. 21.
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