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You finally got that drone you’ve wanted – now that lightweight, affordable models are everywhere. But you still have so many questions, like what are the laws and regulations?

For a long time, drones were used mostly by professional photographers and flying enthusiasts. But lower priced, user-friendly models are flooding the market, allowing consumers to get in on the action. That sales growth has raised safety concerns as more drones take to the skies. Consumer Reports says if you’re planning to buy a drone, it’s important to learn the rules.

You don’t need a license to fly a drone as long as you’re flying for fun and you’re not being paid to do it. But, you do have to register a drone if it weighs more than a half pound and less than 55 lbs. You need to go the FAA’s website and register there. It only takes a few minutes to do it, it costs $5 and it’s good for 3 years.

When it comes to where you can fly the drone there are a few clear cut restrictions. You can’t fly it higher than 400 feet and it must be in your line of sight at all times. The FAA insists that you stay away from prisons, power plants, government buildings and military bases, airports, stadiums and national parks.

Consumer Reports recommends starting with an inexpensive toy drone before investing in a more expensive one. The outdoor drone that tops its first-ever drone ratings is DJI’s 900-dollar Mavic Pro. It’s top-rated lightweight selfie drone is the 400-dollar DJI Spark.

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