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GLENDALE, Colo. — A man said he has been harassed for two years because of an old loan application his girlfriend filled out online. Since then, Ted Gonzalez received more than 1,000 phone calls from scammers pretending to be loan collectors.

“It’s extremely frustrating and there’s nothing you can do to tell these people to stop,” Gonzalez said.

Gonzalez showed the FOX31 Denver Problem Solvers all the calls coming in from different area codes across the country, many callers with thick foreign accents.

When they resorted to threats, Gonzalez decided to record and post the messages, racking up hits on YouTube.

In one of the recordings, the caller tells him he’s a Denver police officer, threatening to put him behind bars.

“They’ve exhausted all tactics of intimidation so they feel they can use the most sensitive subject matter and that’s law enforcement,” Gonzalez said.

The countless calls have become a daily routine, especially since he refuses to change his number because he uses it for his mortgage loan business.

Gonzalez has filed a dozen complaints with the Federal Trade Commission over the past two years, but he still can’t get the calls to stop.