FOX31 Denver

Wolves kill border collie at ranch near Walden

JACKSON COUNTY, Colo. (KDVR) — On Sunday morning, Jan. 9, Colorado Parks and Wildlife responded to a wolf versus dog incident in Jackson County. One dog was killed, and another survived.

CPW called it a “wolf depredation incident” that involved two border collie dogs. In everyday speak that means the dogs were attacked by wolves.

“So I went down to the kennel to go check on my male dog because you know he never showed up, and there were multiple wolf tracks everywhere,” cattle ranch cowboy Carlos Atencio said.

Atencio is a working cowboy on a cattle ranch near Walden. It was his two dogs, Izzy and Buster, who were attacked by wolves.

“The wolves basically went in the front door and drug them out, or got them stirred up enough to defend their territory,” Atencio said.

One of the border collies, Izzy, escaped the attack with her life. Buster, or Bus for short, put up a fight but was just outnumbered. He was killed by the wolves and dragged off.

“You know, my male dog put up a heck of a fight, judging by the necropsy that CPW did. I think that honestly gave my female dog time to get away,” Atencio said.

Gray wolf hazing laws in Colorado could change

Gray wolves are an endangered species in Colorado. You are not allowed to harm one, even if it is attacking an animal you own. But the CPW may be changing the laws on hazing wolves. They are soon to vote on that.

“If it works, honestly I’d be all for it. But I don’t know if they would honor that. I don’t know if that would stir them up, if that would get them afraid,” Atencio said.

Atencio said hazing would not have made a difference for Izzy and Buster. It is just a part of life, he said, when working on a ranch.