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BOULDER, Colo. (KDVR) — Three furry guests made an appearance in a Boulder neighborhood on Monday.

A FOX31 viewer shared a video of three black bears roaming an alley in the University Hill neighborhood. The video shows one large bear and two smaller ones; it is unconfirmed if the trio is a mother and her two cubs.

The bears were spotted near Euclid Avenue and Lincoln Place which sits in the center of where many University of Colorado Boulder students live in an area known as “The Hill.” The neighborhood is less than a mile away from the CU Boulder campus.

Boulder Police Department said they have only received one call about the bears from a witness who noticed the trio hanging out in a tree at 2:18 p.m. on Monday.

Bears are known to wander down from the foothills into nearby houses. Back in 2016, one bear was spotted directly on campus near Varsity Lake.

Living among black bears is not uncommon in Boulder. Colorado Parks and Wildlife offers tips on how to bearproof your home.

  • Keep garbage in a well-secured location.
  • Only put out garbage on the morning of pickup.
  • Clean garbage cans regularly to keep them free of food odors: ammonia is effective.
  • Use a bear-resistant trash can or dumpster.
  • Don’t leave pet food or stock feed outside.
  • Bird feeders are a major source of bear/human conflicts. Attract birds naturally with flowers and water baths
  • Don’t allow bears to become comfortable around your house. If you see one, yell at it, throw things at it, make noise to scare it off.
  • Secure compost piles. Bears are attracted to the scent of rotting food.
  • Clean up thoroughly after picnics in the yard or on the deck.
  • Keep garage doors closed.

For more tips on how to stay bear aware check out our guide on living with bears in Colorado.