MARBLE, Colo. (KDVR) — The Colorado Avalanche Information Center (CAIC) said that a skier triggered an avalanche near Marble on Saturday.
“My partner was carried, and briefly submerged in the moving snow before coming to rest atop the snowpack 100 or so feet above the toe of the slide. The event took place in a small contour to the drainage that became a terrain trap, and could have potentially resulted in an unnervingly deep burial,” which was shared in the CAIC report.
The CAIC said the skier was uninjured in the avalanche. However, the CAIC says this is a good reminder that even small terrain features can produce avalanches large enough to hurt or kill you.
If your partner gets buried, you don’t have time to go for help. You must save your partner; if you go for help it will be too late.
- Yell to alert your partners and other people that may be in the area. Watch the victim! Memorize the last seen point.
- Make sure it is safe to search. Don’t become a victim yourself.
- Designate a leader and quickly develop a search plan.
- Look for surface clues like gloves, boots, and other equipment.
- Conduct a beacon search. Get close and probe BEFORE you dig.
Many buried victims die of asphyxiation within 15 minutes unless they are wearing an Avalung.
Your partner’s survival is in your hands.
It is critical to attend an avalanche class to learn how to carry out a fast and effective rescue.