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CHATFIELD STATE PARK, Colo. (KDVR) — If you are planning to enjoy the 90-degree weather this Father’s Day weekend out on the water, rangers are reminding recreationists to be safe after a “reckless boating accident” at Chatfield on Friday.

Colorado Parks and Wildlife tweeted about a boating accident at Chatfield State Park on Friday night.

Park rangers at Chatfield and the Marine Evidence Recovery Team are investigating a suspected boating under the influence incident.

According to CPW, a 53-year-old man drove his jet boat into the dam and it then traveled 55 feet on the shore.

CPW is investigating a suspected boating under the influence incident. (Photo: CPW)

Similar to driving under the influence, it is illegal to operate a boat while under the influence.

After reporting this incident, CPW left off with one final recommendation, “wear those life jackets.”