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CARR, Colo. — A Larimer County man is out of the hospital after his semi truck collided with a trash truck Monday morning.

That crash killed more than 100 sheep, and closed Colorado Highway 14 outside of Ault for hours.

Police say Donald McGregor was heading east on Colo. 14 hauling about 300 sheep, when a trash truck pulled out in front of him.

The driver of the trash truck wasn’t injured, and was cited for careless driving.

McGregor was taken to the hospital with injuries to his neck, and back.

“We got in the car, and rushed to the hospital,” said his wife, Keri. “I was hoping he was okay. I was trying to figure out how we were going to survive, because he’s the man of the house. He’s a hard worker, and he provides everything for us.”

McGregor is literally the man of the house as a father of five daughters.

“He’s stressed, worried, he’s hurt, he doesn’t feel good,” says Keri.

The family says the crash has put them in a difficult financial situation. Don’s semi truck is totaled, and it’s unclear whether he’ll be able to get a new one anytime soon.

“It’s our livelihood, I mean that’s our main income,” Keri said. “He worked very hard for that semi truck and took care of it and I think how life could have been different.”

Keri said McGregor is an active volunteer in the 4-H community, serving as a swine superintendent.

“He’s the best dad I know. He’s got five girls, and he’s amazing,” she said.

A family friend has set up a GoFundMe to help the family during these tough times.