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WESTMINSTER, Colo. (KDVR) — Inside Carol Burton’s Westminster home, the boxes are piled high. 

Each one is filled with dozens of handmade ornaments from across the nation, created for Marshall Fire survivors.

“This is my living room, and it’s filled with love,” Burton said.

It’s all part of a group called Operation Christmas Ornaments, which collects and distributes ornaments to disaster victims over the holidays. Burton said ornaments have arrived from as far away as Japan, each of them handmade and original.

“If you think of your own ornaments, there’s lots of memories tied up in there,” Burton said. “And we can’t obviously replace those ornaments for them and those memories, but we hope to create some new ones for them.”

When Burton initially signed up, she admits she wasn’t sure how many she’d receive. That all changed when the boxes started arriving in March. 

“Pretty much every day, sometimes several a day,” she said. “It’s like Christmas, literally every day.”

Burton has now received roughly 6,500 ornaments, enough to distribute about a dozen to 500 families. 

Those ornaments will be passed out on Nov. 26 at 13370 Lowell Blvd. in Broomfield from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Hot chocolate and photos with Santa will also be available.