DENVER — The Arapahoe High School community is divided on whether the school’s principal should remain or be replaced.
Principal Natalie Pramenko has been criticized by some for how she has handled the arrests of two teachers who are accused of assault, student suicides and the murder of a student on campus in 2013.
Jessica Peck is an attorney who represents a group of Arapahoe parents, students and former students who want Pramenko to be terminated.
“We need a new look, a fresh look. Turn the page to new leadership,” Peck said.
Peck has had more than 1,200 people take a survey about Arapahoe and its leadership.
Some people, including Arapahoe teachers and parents, have been supportive of Pramenko.
“I believe a high percentage of our students have had a positive experience walking through the hallways of Arapahoe and are grateful for their time. I also believe we have outstanding teachers,” said Rod Sherman, the head football coach.
Peck wants the Littleton School Board to have a special meeting or carve out extra time during a regular meeting to address the results of the survey.
During its meeting Thursday night, the board did not say whether it would fulfill that request.