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SUMMIT COUNTY, Colo. (KDVR) – A Frisco man, Robert Patton, 47, was sentenced to 10 years in prison after pleading guilty to 2nd Degree Assault on a Frisco Police Officer. 

“Mr. Patton has a long history of confrontations and conflict with others, including law enforcement,” said Kylie Whitaker, 5th Judicial Deputy District Attorney.

“His blatant disregard for our community and law enforcement officers has not only been dangerous but would have continued to endanger the people of Summit unless he was removed for this lengthy period of time,” Whitaker said.

Police were called to Patton’s home on Nov. 11, 2019, for a reported fight. When officers attempted to detain Patton he hit two officers.

Patton’s criminal history includes 30 misdemeanor and six felony convictions. His criminal history includes assaulting a peace officer, a 1994 robbery and numerous assaults.