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Rumors of a significant winter storm have been brewing for the past 48-hours. As the storm gets closer, confidence is growing for a major snowstorm in the Foothills.

Meteorologist Chris Tomer said upslope will be maximized in the western suburbs of Denver and the Foothills with this storm system.

The probability of total snow accumulations over two feet is high on Saturday into Sunday.

“If you live in the Foothills, then start planning now,” shared Meteorologist Chris Tomer.

Expect power outages this weekend. Collapsed awnings and dining tents are likely. 

“We saw this in 2003 and could see it again this weekend,” shared Meteorologist Chris Tomer.

In Denver, confidence is growing that there will be a foot or more of snow.

While the exact snowfall forecast is still tough to predict this far in advance, confidence is increasing in this storm.

Be sure to download the free Pinpoint Weather App to stay updated on the latest developments with this storm.