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DENVER (KDVR) — A handful of Denver artists commissioned by Major League Baseball are painting murals representing diversity in the sport on All-Star Weekend. 

“Baseball runs deep in my family specifically. I’m half Japanese,” Casey Kawaguchi, a local artist who painted one of the murals said.

According to a press release from the MLB All Star Organization: “Major League Baseball has commissioned local Denver artists to paint baseball-inspired art murals LIVE at the McNichols Civic Center Building tomorrow, Saturday, July 10th. Artists Casey Kawaguchi and Zaida Sever will focus on painting murals on the following themes: Asian American Pacific Islander X Baseball and the Negro Leagues, respectively.”

“It’s the MLB, it’s a very high paid organization. They could bring in their own people; they could bring in a select group of people out of state but for them to want the local voices in this show and to put up their work,” Zaida Sever, a local graphic artist and illustrator said. 

The artist started painting and designing at the McNichols Civic Center Building earlier in the week. Their paintings were live for people to watch them create Saturday afternoon.  

“I’m not allowed to admit this but I’m not a big baseball person or sports person but you can make a story out of anything including sports so that’s why I was excited to work on this,” Sever said. 

There will be a panel discussion outside of the McNichols Civic Center Sunday. This conversation will feature local Colorado business leaders, as they share their perspectives on the climate, culture and artistic influences of Colorado. 

There will be more live painting continuing on Sunday.