FOX31 Denver

Community organizes parade to celebrate WWII veteran’s 100th birthday

DENVER (KDVR) — A Facebook community of off-road enthusiasts joined a northwest Denver community for a parade to celebrate a World War II veteran’s 100th birthday on Saturday.

Dale Schmitz, who enlisted in the 115th Cavalry in Sheridan, Wyoming and served on the California coast after Pearl Harbor, was surprised.

“Really, really a big birthday party. More people, county people, police people, police, military and friends and my neighbors. What wonderful neighbors I have. They arranged everything,” Schmitz said.

The Mile High 4×4 Facebook group rounded up about 40 – 50 rigs for the COVID-19 appropriate birthday festivities. Others from the community participated creating about a 150 vehicle parade.

“I’m very thankful, my goodness to have lived to be 100 years old and have no family problems. I have had no problems. I never had to look for a job, they always just seemed to happen,” Schmitz said. “So I’ve had an easy life.”

Schmitz explains how fortunate he was in his duties and stations during WWII. “I was on the west coast and they needed troops on the coast and that’s, that was the finest duty we could have ever got. We almost got sent in the east, Burma, but I’m sure glad we missed out on that.”