FOX31 Denver

Colorado’s voting maps are getting redrawn; here’s how to participate in the public meetings

DENVER (KDVR) — Redistricting is underway in Colorado, and the state’s new independent commissions will hold public hearings on the preliminary maps for the state’s new state and federal voting districts.

Colorado passed Amendments Y and Z in 2018, which established two independent commissions to draw the electoral maps for state and federal lawmakers. Their work happens every decade, after the U.S. Census.

In 2018, with the passage of Amendments Y and Z, Coloradans resoundingly said they wanted lines drawn in a different, independent way. This roadshow of public hearings is an important piece of this work and is an opportunity for Coloradans to have their voices heard,” Commissioner JulieMarie Shepherd Macklin said. “Residents are the experts of their own communities and, as these plans come together, we need public input and involvement to ensure that the maps best represent the Colorado of today.” 

The new commissions have 12 members each and are equally divided between Republicans, Democrats and unaffiliated voters.

The maps will be redrawn for Colorado’s 65 house and 25 senate districts, as well as its eight congressional seats — one of them completely new. Because of its booming population, Colorado gained an eighth congressional seat on the release this year of new U.S. Census data.

The commissions will work on their final redistricting plans after the census sends out redistricting data after Aug. 16. They will also schedule a second round of public hearings in each district once plans are finalized.

Here is more information on how to sign up to speak.

View the redistricting meeting calendar.