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COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — Three people have been arrested following the case of the Colorado Springs daycare that was recently shut down by the state, FOX21 reports.

Carla Faith, 58, owner of the Play Mountain Place and the Counterpoint School, was arrested Monday on child abuse charges.

Employees Christina Swauger and Katelynne Nelson were also arrested.

DHS and Colorado Springs officers raided Play Mountain Place on Nov. 13 and immediately shut down the facility.

Investigators had found 26 children, all under 3 years old, concealed behind what police called a “false wall.”

Court documents show that Faith was arrested this week on two counts of misdemeanor child abuse and one felony count of attempting to influence a public servant.

Nelson is also facing charges of possession of a controlled substance.

Parents who had children in care at Faith’s facilities spoke to FOX21 before the arrests, to express their concerns.

“Hindsight I’m like, ‘God why didn’t I question more?’” Sherry MacWilliam said. “A puppy mill for toddlers is what she was running.”

“She fooled a lot of people,” said Melissa Sullivan. “When you talked to her, you believed what she was telling you.”

“Because all those nice properties and everything you have were built on lies,” said Kayla Shaw. “I hope she gets what she deserves. “

DHS recommends parents check Colorado Shines, a state-run website system that monitors early learning programs. Parents can view information on licensing and complaint history.

Faith is being held on a $3,000 bond. She’s scheduled to appear in court on Thursday.