DENVER (KDVR) — KWGN’s own Chris Tomer will be emceeing Low Carb Denver 2020. The event is scheduled as planned.
WHO: The general public, healthcare professionals and non-healthcare professionals are all invited to take part in this event.
WHAT: Low Carb Denver 2020 is a conference dedicated to addressing the latest science and nutritional approaches including Low Carb, Keto, Carnivore, Intermittent Fasting and Low Carb Vegetarian. The conference will also focus on diabetes, heart disease, obesity, chronic disease and the role of nutrition as it relates to management, treatment and prevention.
WHERE: Sheraton Denver Downtown, 1550 Court Place, Denver, Colorado 80202 USA
WHEN: Thursday, March 12th at 6:00pm through Sunday, March 15th at 5:00 PM
For more information on the event, please visit the Low Carb conference website here.