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LITTLETON, Colo. — Hurricane Dorian’s path is nowhere near the Mile High City but it has managed to disrupt a local high school football team’s trip to the East Coast.

Chatfield High School’s football teams are coordinating around the Category 4 storm, hoping to make it back home from Orlando safe on Monday.

The junior varsity and varsity teams are in Florida without their luggage. The bags are on a cruise ship in the Caribbean.

Since winter, the football program planned a trip to play teams in Orlando, then go on a weekend Caribbean cruise.

On Thursday, the JV team won, 49-0.  Then Hurricane Dorian’s approach disrupted their plans.

“We got to the port, checked in our luggage and we were sitting in the boarding terminal,” team parent and chaperone Monette Nickels said.

“They were holding boarding until they sent out a letter to everyone and it said we were being rerouted.”

“We are worried but we know they are safe and the team is having fun right now,” Lisa Lloyd said.

She and Darrel Loyd are team parents still in Colorado.

Instead of taking off on the cruise, chaperones and school administrators decided to keep the teams in Orlando, hoping to make it back for school next week.

“She was so relieved,” Darrel Lloyd said while looking at his wife. “All we heard about for two days is how much she’s been watching the weather and everything she’s heard about hurricanes.”

Instead of cruising the Caribbean, most of the players are navigating through Universal Studios for the next two days with only their backpacks.

“We are making lemonade out of lemons here,” Nickels said.

“Right now we’re getting lots of pictures of them having fun in the sun wearing borrowed clothes and using borrowed tooth brushes and everything,” Darrel Lloyd said.

Jefferson County Public Schools said new shirts and toothbrushes were donated to the team.

Nicole Fierro wrote this report.