BRIGHTON, Colo. (KDVR) – Barr Lake State Park staff will install three bald eagle nesting baskets in cottonwood trees on Friday.
Last April a cottonwood tree was blown down in a windstorm. A nest with two bald eagle eggs was destroyed, and the eggs were found underwater.
“We are putting up our starter eagle nest basket in the same area as our last nest tree that fell down in the spring of this year,” said Park Manager Michelle Seubert. “This area is prime habitat for the eagles and provides a way for our visitors to safely view the nest from our gazebo boardwalk. As they say, build it and they (eagles) will come.”
Jerry Craig, former raptor biologist with CPW, holds up the eagle nesting basket that was first installed at Barr Lake State Park in 1986. (courtesy CPW) Picture of one of the bald eagle nest baskets that will be installed Friday. This is the original nest basket that was first installed in 1986. (courtesy CPW) Picture of the cottonwood tree that was blown down in the April 5, 2021 windstorm, destroying the most recent active bald eagle nest and its two eggs. (courtesy CPW)
The nest baskets will go up in different trees located near each other with a view of the lake. An osprey nest platform will be repositioned during Friday’s project.
Bald eagle nests can be 7 to 8 feet across and are often in dead limbs of tall, older trees and near water.
The first bald eagle nest basket was installed at Barr Lake in 1986 and a pair of bald eagles has been observed in Barr Lake’s wildlife refuge every year since, according to park officials.
“I would not have imagined in 1986 when I first spotted a pair of bald eagles building a nest at Barr Lake State Park I would be still watching the continuing pair today,” said Nelda Gamble, the first Bald Eagle Watch program coordinator for the Bird Conservancy of the Rockies. “My thanks to the park and its volunteers for 35 years of protecting the nest territory and sharing the story with thousands of children and families.”
Two nesting pairs reside at the park. The Barr Lake eagles have fledged 59 young eagles, park officials said.
People wanting to take photos or watch the eagles may use the gazebo boardwalk, which provides a good view without disturbing the nest.