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ARVADA — A 32-year-old Arvada veterinarian celebrated four years since she had a heart transplant by hiking a 14er.

“I love being outside. Especially in Colorado,” Caroline Meyer said.

Earlier this month, Meyer hiked Torrey’s Peak on the four year anniversary of her heart transplant surgery. She hikes 14ers every year on the anniversary date and has hiked peaks including Mt. Bierstadt and Mt. Quandary.

“I like the challenge of hiking. It’s definitely not easy for me,” Meyer said.  “Reaching that [first] summit was so cool. It was so rewarding.”

Meyer was diagnosed with acute congestive heart failure at 28-years-old. According to the CDC, heart disease is the leading cause of death among women.

It took two heart transplant operations for her to regain her health.

“I try to live one day at a time,” Meyer said. “I think that’s a really good outlook for anybody, because you just don’t know.”