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DENVER — State Rep. Gordon Klingenschmitt of Colorado Springs apologized for controversial comments he made about the vicious attack against a Longmont mother-to-be. But his apology was not enough for House Republicans, who disciplined the lawmaker Monday.

Just days after Michelle Wilkins was stabbed while answering a Craigslist ad for baby clothes, her unborn baby girl Aurora killed, Klingenschmitt took to his YouTube show.

“This is the curse of God upon America for our sin of not protecting innocent children in the womb — and part of that curse, for our rebellion against God, as a nation — is that our pregnant women were ripped open,” he said.

That statement drew sharp criticism. The Wilkins family refused a $1,000 donation Klingenschmitt made to the fund set up to help pay Michelle’s medical and recovery expenses.

But in a new YouTube video, Klingenschmitt apologized to the victims, his viewers and the voters of Colorado Springs.

“I was so angry that I forgot to be compassionate,” he said.

“My tone was wrong, my choice of words were wrong, my choice of scripture was wrong. Everything I did about that report was wrong.”

Despite apologizing for his “report,” he demanded retractions from several local media outlets for mischaracterizing his earlier statements.

“I never said it was an act of God, I said it was a demonic spirit murder,” he said.

House Republicans announced Monday the lawmaker was being disciplined, getting pulled from the House Health, Insurance and Environment Committee. Klingenschmitt also announced Monday that he’s suspending his YouTube ministry for six weeks because it overshadowed his job.