FOX31 Denver

Job fair at DIA promises hundreds of new jobs for Denver

DENVER — Hundreds of job seekers made their way into the community room at the Green Valley Rec Center, to go face-to-face with businesses who are hiring in Far Northeast Denver.

“I am a bartender and with all the new restaurants opening at DIA, I thought this was the place to come to,” said Devlin Washington. “With the commuter rail line coming right by Green Valley, this is a chance of a life-time.”

DIA helped employers set up the job fair for the skyport, but many of those companies also have locations in other sections of the city as well.

“We just think that there are people living here who could benefit from all of the new businesses coming to the area,” said Stacey Stegman with DIA. “With the new DIA Westin set to open in November, there will be a lot of jobs that need to be filled there.”

The fair ran from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and was so successful, they say there could be another in six months, adding for sure there will be another in a years time.