FOX31 Denver

How to stay safe when flooding hits

DENVER — There are a few good things to remember if you find yourself in a place where flood waters are rising rapidly.

This information comes from the National Weather Service:

Stay informed

Get to higher ground

 Obey evacuation orders

Practice electrical safety

Avoid flood waters

The following flood safety information is from Colorado Emergency Management:

When a flash flood warning is issued for your area, you need to quickly move to higher ground out of drainages or other low spots. It may be just a short run or climb to that higher ground.

Nearly half of all flash flood fatalities occur in vehicles. Do not drive through a flooded roadway. Instead turn around, do not drown. The water may be much deeper than you think because it may not be possible to see below the surface of flood waters that the roadway has been washed away. One to two feet of water will carry away most vehicles.

Areas burned by wildfires are highly susceptible to flash floods, especially within the first two or three years after the wildfire has occurred. Wildfires by themselves destroy much property and occasionally result in fatalities within Colorado. There are actions you can take to protect yourself and minimize the wildfire threat to your property.