FOX31 Denver

New study shows low carb diet is best

DENVER — Most people want a diet that helps them lose weight fast without risking their health.  Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic say there is new evidence that a low carb diet is the way to go.

A new study reveals that people who limit carbs lose more fat, therefore dropping their risk of heart disease.

Both men and women in the study lost about  8 pounds more than those on a low fat diet.

“Carbohydrates carry fat such as potato chips, cake, cookies, french fries, or even pasta,” said Cleveland Clinic Registered Dietician Julia Zumpano.  “By cutting down carbs you`re also cutting down a significant amount of fat calories.”

On a low carb diet, you limit things like heaping plates of pasta and instead, eat lots of protein from chicken fish and meat with plenty of vegetables.

It`s important to remember that you shouldn`t entirely cut carbs from your diet because that would be unhealthy.

Get your carbs from natural sources  like fruit and limited amounts of whole grain baked goods.

Low carb doesn`t mean high fat, so practice moderation.  You may be surprised at how easy it is to make a low carb meal on the go.

If you love Mexican food, skip the flour tortilla and chips and enjoy your favorite burrito “naked”.

Sandwiches wrapped in lettuce leaves instead of bread are delicious and salads are always a safe bet, just use a low sugar dressing.

Experts say you should eat small meals every couple of hours and drink 6 to 8 glasses of water a day.  Combine that with a 30 minutes of exercise 3 to 4 times a week and you`ll become a fat burning machine.

For a list of great low carb snack food alternatives and recipes visit