FOX31 Denver

Giant bee hive removed from Boulder church

Pine Street Church, Boulder, Colo.

BOULDER, Colo. — The Pine Street Church in Boulder has been all the buzz lately, and for good reason.

Actually, for about 80,000 reasons.

That’s how many bees have decided to call the Boulder Baptist Church their home.

It all kind of started out like a Hitchcock movie. “I saw the bees kind of crawling through the ceiling and that’s when I really thought, OK, something is back there.” Said Kathy Compton, Pine Street Church Fine Arts Director.

The apis mellifera, aka the western honey bee, was brought to America by the early English settlers in the 17th century.  He’s a friendly little bee, and has thrived in Colorado for several hundred years.

As cute as he is, he and his 80,000 buzzing brothers cannot live in the church.

They gotta’ go, but in a safe and humane way.

“Bees are crashing world wide and the reason why Greg and I are here is to help prevent this hive from crashing,” said Tim Brod who owns and operates Highland Honey Bees.

It will take about eight hours to gently remove the honey makers. “Cutting the hive apart slowly and carefully so that you can put it back together to help ensure its success,” said Brod.

About95 percent of the bees will survive the move, but what about all that Grade A honey left behind?  After taking a big, sweet bite of the honey comb, Brod says with a grin, “The first thing that happens is that it makes you smile…”

Bee removal is one sweet gig.