FOX31 Denver

DPS parents complain no text alert from Skinner Middle School about weapons arrests

Parents, students leave Skinner Middle School

DENVER — The arrests of three students at Skinner Middle School Friday morning for possessing two guns and a smoke bomb, left many parents frustrated with Denver Public Schools about its lack of communication.  “I heard more from the news outlet than anything else,” complained parent Gorgorios Shiferaw, who said he expected an emergency text or email.

“I called the school, no answer.  I called my son’s phone, no answer. So I didn’t know what to do,” said Kenneth Avila, who added that any time weapons are found on campus, he wants to know immediately.

Denver Public Schools Security Chief Mike Eaton said the district handled the situation appropriately. “During a lockdown situation, our staff is locked down as well. The priority is to get kids locked down – down, out of sight – and ensure the safety so we can get emergency services here to respond to the issue.”

Eaton insisted a robo call, email or text notification might’ve created havoc at the school, with too  many parents showing up. “We’ve asked parents to trust us,” explained Eaton. “…That we’re keeping students safe and we don’t want an influx of parents here that we now have to try to work with.”

As it was though, many parents showed up anyway, looking for the person that matters to them most. “ust glad my baby was able to text me and let me know she was okay,” said one mom.

Denver Public Schools did send a letter home Friday afternoon, explaining to parents of Skinner Middle School why three boys had been taken into custody that morning.
