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DENVER (KDVR) — Coloradans are more likely to avoid record gas prices than the rest of the country.

Denver’s Department of Transportation and Infrastructure is celebrating Bike to Work Day on Wednesday.

Denver’s bike network is part of Mayor Michael Hancock’s Mobility Action Plan which provides people with better transportation choices.

The overwhelming majority of Americans drive to work, but Colorado has one of the nation’s highest rates of bicycle commuters. According to an analysis of U.S. census data, 1.1% of the state’s commuters pedaled to work.

This ties Colorado with Montana. Only Oregon has a higher rate of bicycle commuters at 2%.

Some cities within Colorado have much higher percentages of bicycle commuters. In Boulder, 9.1% of commuters ride a bike, the second-highest rate in the country behind Davis, California.

Fort Collins also has one of the highest rates of the 76 cities included in the analysis, a combination of the nation’s largest and the largest in each state. In Fort Collins, 4.9% of commuters are bicyclists.

Denver itself is in the upper half of the nation’s cities but not near other Colorado cities. Only 2.1% of commuters are bicyclists. Colorado Springs has the lowest rate of Colorado’s large cities with 0.5%.