DENVER (KDVR) — Over 12,000 newly approved Moderna vaccine doses are headed to a dozen facilities in the state.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) said the doses will be at the facilities, but did not specify which places would receive the vaccine.
The state’s health department previously issued a list of facilities that would be receiving both the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines. A total of 95,600 Moderna doses were scheduled to begin arriving today.
But some people in the state have already received the vaccine as part of a study conducted at UCHealth.
Terrance Ware of Denver volunteered to received an injection in phase 3 of the study.
“I can tell you my family wasn’t too thrilled about it because of the risks associated with it but at the same time I want things to get back to normal as much as anyone,” said Ware.
The 67-year-old does not know if he received the vaccine or a placebo. He reported having side effects after the second dose of some soreness and flu like symptoms, which Dr. Thomas Campbell says are common.
“This is the way we can say for certain whether a vaccine works or not. 3 18 the is the tried and true type of study design,” Campbell, Chief Clinical Research Officer for UCHealth, said.
Ware says he’s speaking out hoping to encourage people of color to take the vaccine. “This community has been hardest hit by COVID-19. I hope by my coming forward and saying I took the vaccine and I’m OK, I’m hoping that will help let people know that it is OK.”
Minorities will play a huge role in beating the virus, doctors say.
“We’ll have to see some large scale implementation across our population before we start to see effects like decreased COVID cases,” Campbell said.
Ware, who is a musician in a jazz band, says that can’t happen soon enough. He’s hopping more people take the vaccine sooner than later.
Ware is expecting to find out whether he received a placebo or an actual dose of the vaccine within the next couple of weeks.
If he was given a placebo, he will be among the first to be given the actual vaccine because he participated in the trial.