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GREELEY, Colo. (KDVR) — Families grieving the loss of loved ones to COVID-19 are dealing with a harsh reality: in order to attend a funeral, many will have to tune in over a live video stream.

That’s what Tracy Dilka and her sister Teresa had to do Tuesday evening.

Their 85-year-old mother, Marty Evans, died last weekend after contracting the coronavirus.

“It’s heartbreaking. We didn’t get to personally tell her goodbye,” said Dilka.

Evans was buried in Yuma County, but since her daughter Tracy lives in Weld County, she wasn’t able to attend the service in person. Instead, she tuned in over FaceTime.

“We can’t be there because of the no-travel order,” Dilka said.

As she sat there watching her mother’s funeral, Tracy, Teresa and a couple of other family members held each other close.

“We didn’t get to touch her. We kissed her goodbye with a mask on,” said Teresa.